You know the drill by now... It's the end of 2015, lots of films, blah blah blah...
Let's get to the list and cut the bullsh...

30. The Legend of Barney Thomson
When a Scottish barber’s position within his workplace
hierarchy is threatened, he resorts to killing his
competition. Unfortunately this occurs when a serial killer is
working their way through Glasgow. A rough and tough London
detective begins to investigate.
Robert Carlyle
(Trainspotting), Emma Thompson (Harry Potter), Ray
Winstone (The Sweeney)
This little gem popped up from nowhere and truly surprised me. This dark comedy (Carlyle's directorial debut) is filled with macabre humour, a cracking script and three tremendous performances from the panicky Carlyle, the grumpy Winstone and the ever-dependable Thompson.
Whilst some of the scenes do feel chewed by Winstone's cranky London detective, if you suspend your disbelief in the chaos on screen, there's a great time to be had.
With hints and elements of fellow dark comedies Fargo and Filth, it is a gruesome but chucklesome comedy.
To stop a potential
terrorist plot, an American CIA agent teams up with a Russian KGB
agent at the height of The Cold War. But will a common enemy bring
these two opposite sides together?
Henry Cavill (Man of
Steel), Armie Hammer (The Social Network), Alicia Vikander
(A Royal Affair)
I truly did not have high hopes for this one. An intellectual property from the 1960s revitalised by the hit-and-miss Guy Ritchie, starring the team of leading men from Man of Steel and Lone Ranger?
Actually, it is a whole lot of fun! Ritchie seems to be emulating his own work, trying to capture the same chemistry that Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law oozed in his own Sherlock Holmes a few years ago. And whilst Cavill and Hammer are no RDJ and Law, they more than hold their own in this light-hearted throwback to spy adventures of times gone by.
The era is captured perfectly, with major plaudits going to the costume and set design. The storyline has a bit to be desired as some of the details get lost in the attempts of bromance, but I doubt you'll mind when you're watching pretty people be pretty in pretty places.
A stoner convenience-store clerk and his girlfriend are going nowhere in life, but they
don’t care since they have each other. However he unwittingly is a sleeper agent, trained by the
government to be a living weapon. And his creators are coming to
take him out.
Jesse Eisenberg (The
Social Network), Kristen Stewart (Twilight), Topher Grace
I think due to my obvious man-crush on Hollywood screenwriter Max Landis, American Ultra was bound to make this list somewhere. And whilst the response from most of the film's audience was quite snooty and flippant, I appreciated the twist that Landis and director Nima Nourizadeh gave this film that could have been quite boring without it.
Whilst most of the film's plot can be described as Jason Bourne-esque, the film is essentially a character piece, with Jesse Eisenberg's lovable loser protagonist and his girlfriend, Kristen Stewart, keeping enough of the audience's sympathy in the crazy scenario in which they find themselves.
Their partnership and chemistry made Adventureland worth a second watch, and the same goes for American Ultra. Twin that with a maniacal performance by Topher Grace as the government agent aiming to kill Eisenberg and it is a great film to just switch off and enjoy.

27. Macbeth
After stopping a plot
to overthrow Duncan, the King of Scotland, one of Duncan’s loyal
soldiers, Macbeth, is told he will be a future King by three
mysterious women. This fuels Macbeth’s drive and ambition to make
this prophecy a reality through murder, deception and madness.
Michael Fassbender
(Inglorious Basterds), Marion Cotillard (The Dark Knight
Rises), Sean Harris (Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation)
It's easy to say that this film often looks like a genuine work of art, a true cinematic painting. Scottish landscapes devoid of life and features slowly turn into fields of lavish crimson and fire, with the titular Macbeth slowly turning to madness at the centre. An Oscar nomination is sorely deserved by the cinematography and art design departments, as the camera can easily hypnotise and mesmerise the audience with just a simple tracking shot.
Despite the beautiful sets and locations perfect casting really brings this Shakespearean adaptation home. Fassbender, Cotillard, Harris, Considine, Thewlis. All of them at the top of their game and they lend so much weight to the heavy story being told.
Filled with political ambition, murder and some fantastic performances, Macbeth is truly an emotional experience. A beautiful and brutal adaptation that's definitely worth paying money for.
A biopic of the
American rap group, the N.W.A and the struggles they encountered
growing up in Compton, Los Angeles. With police and politicians
fighting against their right of free speech, as well as encountering
racial tension throughout their career, disputes over pride and money
surround the band in controversy.
Corey Hawkins (The
Walking Dead), Jason Mitchell (Contraband), Paul Giamatti
My NWA knowledge before watching Straight Outta Compton was only a few songs, and mainly through notoriety rather than actual listening to them. Due to this I believe I saw Compton as an earnest biopic of five young Americans trying to make a name for themselves and leave their horrid lives behind. A rags-to-riches story rather than a tough-as-nails honest truth-telling. And as a rags-to-riches story, it is a brilliant example of triumph through incredible adversity.
However whilst it does a fantastic job of showing you the group's journey, it fails to truly explore the rivalries and consequences that the lifestyle brings, probably due to the band's involvement in making the film. Instead favouring to document contract disputes and shoehorn celebrity lookalikes to make the audience go "Oh, look who that's supposed to be!"
A great attempt to tell this story, but I eagerly await an independent view instead of one written by the victors.
After a young robotics
prodigy is left depressed and alone following the death of a family
member, he discovers a robot called Baymax, a healthcare specialist
who dedicates himself to fixing him. Together they form a superhero
team with college friends to take down a masked man bent on
destruction of their city, San Fransokyo.
Scott Adsit (30
Rock), Damon Wayans Jr. (New Girl), James Cromwell (L.A.
Another example of how
the standards of animated films are gradually improving year after
year. Mainly due to the fact I want to live in San Fransokyo. The
merging of Japanese and American culture is seamless and Disney
should be commended for creating a world I would gladly inhabit.
You usually would worry
when an children’s animation would attempt to tackle difficult
issues like depression and the effect a death in the family can have
on a child. However with Disney being behind the wheel, you feel
safe to trust them to handle it delicately and honestly, which is
definitely the case.
Encouraging children
that education can be exciting, whilst promoting embracing your
quirky side, and all with a kick-ass soundtrack from Fall Out Boy,
Big Hero 6 has been described as ‘Frozen - For Boys’ but it’s
truly for any kid who has needed a friend in a time of distress.

24. Foxcatcher
Loosely based on the
true story of millionaire John du Pont and his recruitment of Olympic
gold medallist brothers Mark and Dave Schultz to help coach future U.S.
Olympic wrestlers. A friendship grows between du Pont and the two brothers, but
a hidden animosity resides behind the scenes that will blow up in
unexpected ways.
Channing Tatum (21
Jump Street), Steve Carell (Anchorman), Mark Ruffalo (The
A chilling crime drama
featuring fantastic performances from the three main leads. Carell
is almost unrecognisable under his prosthetics, twinned with his
ethereal and unpredictable nature makes him an incredible screen
presence from which you can’t turn away.
Mark Ruffalo got a lot
of praise for his performance as Dave Schultz but hardly any was
given to Channing Tatum as his younger brother that I thought was a
much more complicated and difficult role which Tatum made seem
Personally I wanted the
film to delve deeper into the character of John du Pont, but that’s
surely just a testament to Carell’s mesmerising performance.

23. Amy
A documentary describing
the troubled life and premature death of fabulously talented singer
Amy Winehouse.
Amy Winehouse
Similarly to his previous documentary Senna, the BAFTA-winning director Asif Kapadia again manages to delve to the heart of the matter at hand in an incredibly simplistic and effective way.
Through the use of stock footage, personal home videos and behind the scenes of her music videos, we see Amy Winehouse away from the paparazzi's spotlight. We glimpse the ordinary woman we all forgot she was when caught up in the media storm around her struggles with addiction. All the while, audio testimony from Amy's family and friends describe her life before and after she became famous.
Rightfully becoming the most successful documentary in UK box office history, Amy is an incredibly moving and truly powerful examination of how the media can twist the public perception of someone simply crying out for help.
Set in rural Ireland, a
British conservationist moves close to a supposedly hallowed forest
with the intention of helping cut it down. The locals warn him and
his wife to take their baby and leave, for fear of upsetting the the
forest-dwelling fairyfolk, but they foolishly ignore their warnings.
Joseph Mawle (Abraham
Lincoln: Vampire Hunter), Bojana Novakovic (Devil),
Michael McElhatton (Game of Thrones)
This film totally took
me by surprise. I expected some kind of cheesy and boring piece of
‘cattle-prod’ cinema, but instead got treated to a tense horror
film more akin to Straw Dogs meets Pan’s Labyrinth, with a bit of The Descent and Evil Dead thrown in for good measure.
A refreshing use of
practical effects, fantastic creeping-dread throughout and a
rational/scientific basis for the monsters made The Hallow
stand out from horrors of years-past.
Definitely look out for
it coming to DVD/Netflix soon.

21. Bill
Made by the team behind
Horrible Histories and set in the ‘lost years’ of William
Shakespeare’s years in London, Bill suggests the playwright
accidentally got caught up in an assassination plot to kill Queen
Elizabeth I.
Matthew Baynton (Peep
Show), Simon Farnaby (The Mighty Boosh), Damian Lewis
I know I'm probably going to lose a lot of respect or trust for having Bill so high up in my Top 50, but you truly cannot judge me until you see it for yourself. Despite the modest cast and budget, Bill has one of the funniest and wittiest scripts of any film released this year.
The only reason it isn't higher in my list is probably due to it's televisual qualities and smaller budget, which is a shame but I truly hope that this is the first of many from this home-grown and talented group.
I know it seems unlikely, but I believe that this film is one that the whole family would easily enjoy. From it's origins within the Horrible Histories television show, it's credentials are in order and if you don't find yourself laughing out loud at least six or seven times, I'll reimburse you myself!
30 down! Top 20 next! Come back this time next week for the next part of my
Top Fifty Films of 2015
Until next time folks, thanks for reading!
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