A New Hope?
Since I'm in the middle of my Top 50 of 2015 countdown, I tried to tell myself that I wouldn't review films I watched in December, and save them for January. They could last a few more weeks without me writing down my opinions on them.
I just couldn't do it.
Last night, my childhood was reawakened as I finally witnessed my heroes back on the big screen. None of this Qui-Gon/Dooku/Grievous nonsense; Han, Leia, Chewie, they were reunited and it felt so good! Even iconic and yet background characters like Admiral Ackbar and Nien Numb got a smile out of me just by appearing on screen.
Finally I was back in the universe that I spent so much time when I was a child.
So what has been happening since the Luke, Han and Leia were partying with Ewoks at the end of Return of the Jedi?
To avoid some spoilers, let's just say a new evil organisation has risen and the Rebel Alliance is needed just as much as it ever has been. But in order to make an difference, the Alliance need some plans that are hidden with a droid, BB-8. The plot ringing any bells so far?
What follows is a beautiful, emotional and exhilarating adventure crossing planets, starships and iconic Corellian freighters.
It might come across like a checklist of every Star Wars nerd's ideal sequel, but it's necessary to restart this sleeping giant of a franchise.
We are reacquainted with old faces, with the reappearance of Han, Chewie and Leia providing a weight of familiarity and love from the audience that truly is hard to replicate.
There is the feeling of unspoken hardships and battles in the past in their muted and effortless performances, which honestly brought a tear to this film critic's eye.
We are also introduced to new heroes; the AWOL stormtrooper Finn (John Boyega) and Rey (Daisy Ridley) making sure BB-8 doesn't fall into the wrong hands, and daring pilot Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac) leading the X-Wings in battle whenever they are needed.
Boyega brings an intensity and earnest nature to the character of Finn as well as a surprisingly comic timing, whilst Ridley initially struggles with the role but eventually settles into her role as the new female protagonist with a lot of potential hidden for the future.
The real surprise comes in Oscar Isaac. Having never impressed me before in roles such as SuckerPunch and The Bourne Legacy, Isaac appears to be incredibly at home in the Star Wars Universe, bringing an air of cool not seen since a young Han Solo shot Greedo first.
But heroes such as these are only as compelling as the villain facing them and one of the most intriguing parts of The Force Awakens is the guy plastered all over cereal boxes and pencil cases worldwide; Kylo Ren.
Ren is possibly the most interesting villain the franchise has produced since Darth Vader, and whether it is his petulant and unpredictable attitude or his unique and dramatic background, his story is the most I am most looking forward to watching.
The effects are brilliant and won't be outdone for a long time, as finally seeing the Millennium Falcon diving and swooping will certainly make you feel like you are finally in the dogfights among the TIE Fighters and X-Wings.
Again, it's like the director J.J. Abrams has asked the fans what they want and just given it to them, all the while making sure there are compelling storylines with fascinating characters at the heart of them.

This isn't to try and say it's perfect as that isn't the case at all. But it is the film that the fans, and the franchise, have needed since the failures of the prequels. Once the cobwebs have been shaken loose, it's clear that this is simply a breath of fresh air into a Universe of infinite possibilities. One that I am eagerly waiting to visit again.
Star Wars is back, ladies and gentlemen, and it's packing a punch. Like a lightsaber being passed from father to son, it is a film that will be cherished and viewed for years to come.
Rating - 9/10
Until next time folks, thanks for reading!
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